Good2Game Radio
Good2Game Radio is a podcast that offers discussion on video games, board games and the newest shows airing from the Marvel and Star Wars Universes. Join in and listen as your hosts Vance, Jaime and Tony share their perspectives and love of those topics.
Good2Game Radio
Helldivers 2 - We're Doing Our Part!
Listen to Jaime and Tony talk about Helldivers 2 and how much fun it is! The best co-op experience ever!
Jaime G
Oh well, hey, let's do the intro.
Yeah, hi folks welcome back to good to game radio. It's been a couple weeks but we're finally back together I was in Orlando and Jamie's been traveling the country on business trips and stuff. But we finally manage a circle back around and get back together on this Saturday night and. Here we are. We're going to talk some gaming and dive into some separate topics and and whatnot so let's carry out into it hiimy what's going on.
Jaime G
Not much man a lot of gaming a lot of big news recently and you know let me just kind of open up the the gate and said hell diverse too. What it's like exploded. It's all over the place and if you're lucky you can even play it too.
Right? So hey I I don't want to sound like a broken record but I told you so was it a shadow nights asked on the Discord server about like.
Jaime G
My opinion on the game and I said if there was only 1 game I could play this year I could only play 1 game hell divers two would be that game.
Jaime G
I Well well if you remember though I was actually on this on the similar camp and I said the first one was such a hidden gem that this one's probably gonna be the same way and and and honestly it just blew any expectations I had out of the water I mean literally this game's.
Right? Well you played the first one I I played the first one. Ah loved it came out what 2015 on the PS 4 I think was it on the PS 3 I keep hearing people say it was on a PS three I don't remember it being on PS 3
Jaime G
On fire. Yes.
Jaime G
No, no, no, no, it was a PS 4 game and PS and PSVita and I know because I played it on the vita.
Before that. But yeah, it was a Ps 4 game and right and um, speaking of that I really want to I'm really just tempted to buy it the original game on my steam deck just for just because. Should play great on the steam deck. But regardless I think you would I think there might be more players on there. Actually you think there might be more players on there now.
Jaime G
Are you gonna find players. What? Okay maybe I mean the popator skyrocketed in the last two weeks
Right? But ah knowing how fun the original was I was I was anticipating that they would be able to capture that magic again even with the change in perspective. Ah, that was the big question was you know the original was a top down twin strict twin stick shooter and this time around they went with a third person over the shoulder view. Ah so the question was how is that gonna translate from the original game and having played it.
Jaime G
So I had my doubts I had my doubts about it.
You know nonstop since I yeah yeah I think everybody had their doubts um, having you know finally getting a chance to play it after my week in Orlando and sitting down it is it definitely translate very very well, very very well because it's like. It's way more claustrophobic. You can't these freaking bugs or robots are like ninjas dude. Like next thing you know there's 1 right on your butt. You didn't even hear it come ah up on you. So yeah, it's like the claustrophobic feeling really works. Well.
Jaime G
It Well it did so it that's that's the word. It's chaotic. It's it's you can play it so many ways and there's people who have chosen to play it the wrong way because there's stories about people hopping on on squads and.
Ah, with this game and just how chaotic it is.
Jaime G
Being that one guy that very close to the end when you're about to you know a leave a zone they'll destroy their fire theirquad Dude um.
Yeah, yeah, well we got this many people playing there was gonna be an ah a large grouping of knuckleheads that are out just to not. Ah, they're gonna get their fun I ruining ruining other people's fun. So.
You go to have that segment. Hopefully it's only 1 to two percent group I think that the community that I've encountered so far online has been ah, phenomenal everybody that I've played with has been great. Um.
Jaime G
So me, me too. Yeah yeah.
And you know we've had a lot of new players come into our Discord server that are playing this game and stuff and we're playing with them I've been playing with them and they're all great people and just had a load of fun playing with the with the community and and. That's good. Go ahead.
Jaime G
I got 2 2 points to to say about the community thing here and this one happened to me some of my old fire team buddies that we used to play destiny which I've said before I could not convince them to play the first ah hell divers.
Jaime G
They've kind of like today they they they were texting back on the old group that we had and they're like hey this game wants me to bring back the the old fire squat I was like 2 late buddies I'm already playing but I heard a similar story you know shadow nights who listen to us and you know. Um, if you remember in that on on our Discord server he had mentioned at 1 point hey you know I'm interested in playing I think it was one of the the m ml final fantasies but he wanted like a group of people to be running with. And I think I'm pretty sure he said that even his old buddies that he used to play with are now playing this game. So even him like it's getting a lot of people to come back and bringing like you know old friendships back together. So that's a great way to spread you know controlled liberty on this Ah.
Right? Well I mean I don't know if you remember I think back before you joined the show as one the host. Ah and we say had clant on. We went through like was it 2022 that literally we were trying to find that co-op game.
Jaime G
Yep I.
That would just bring back. You know, just that great co-op film. We we tried every co-op game that was coming out and there was a lot of co-ops that came out that year and they all whatsapp. Yeah, and they all just kind of like just.
Jaime G
Back for blood I remember you guys playing you played back for blood that year
Didn't hit the right tone or didn't hit that that thing that we were searching for It's just like you know there were fun games but there was nothing really there to just say oh man I got to come back to this game. Ah, but hell iers man I was like. Had my fingers crossed I believed I'm like that's the game when I saw in that Sony showcase last year I'm like that's the game right? There? Yeah, go ahead.
Jaime G
Ah, okay, so what's what's actually so magical about this game I was gonna um I want to get your opinion because if you if you I mean I made reading some other people's thoughts and impressions about this game and I mean in general people people in the community are like. This game does not look like a first party Sony game. The graphics are self par. You know they could have done better on the graphics side. Um, the the menus interface are limited. Whatever we've we're were probably Goingnna talk about the server stuff. But people just can't get enough of it right now. So.
Um, because it does so many little things. Ah well and combines them all together to just make this like fantastic. You know. Recipe for a game I mean they're they're detailed work man. It's just crazy like like loading of the guns like when you're putting when you're switching out mags you know if you really watch your character I mean. It goes through like a very realistic sequence. You know I watched a video today of a guy who was he had his ah automat of the recordless rifle not thelo rifleful. The auto cann had the auto cannon on his back and when he went to switch to it. Ah, the person had the video was it was in slow motion so you can see the character reach up grab the handle handle the for ah handle of the gun and pull it like literally most games don't bother with that. Most games is just like oh just grab it and it's like this funky animation. Whatever no dude. It is a realistic I'm taking this off my back and I'm a sliding it to my front right? and even even in the shooting like the shooting is ah.
Jaime G
Who needs realism.
Seems so realistic and you know like there's no just you can just point whatever weapon in whatever direction and it's going to be spot on every time right? There's like you know there's like a floating reticle that indicates where your barrrow is and ah like ah ah a pair a point. Where the bullets are gonna hit and you have to try and line those things up, you can't There's no just swinging it around and being able to shoot straight. There's like sway in the gun and everything and and in the the ah the way it feels when it's shooting everything just feels so distinct. Ah, in the gameplay. Ah the explosions man those are the best explosions I think I've ever seen in a game and like they're what there's probably 20 different types of explosions and just massive explosions.
Jaime G
I Dude I was playing I was playing with some some gentleman and he pulls out the stratagem and he literally says if you're on this side of the map. You're dead and something happens. You didn't like.
Um, yeah.
Jaime G
2 2 of our in our in our squad just you know, get destroyed or blured obliterated because there was like something that he threw out it just like wiped up wiped all the bugs that are on that side and also 2 players but but he warned us. He's like get out of this side now.
Yeah, yeah, just so little so many little details I was playing a match last night and ah so we're like man we're in the heat of it. We're getting overrun.
Jaime G
You You know you? yeah go ahead I.
I'm trying to survive I'm just running for my life I've got my ah ah my breaker shotgun I'm going to town on these robots right? and I'm thinking Oh um, I have actually have a chance I might be able to get away here I just got find an opening to get away I knew that my asstrologms cooldowns were. Had finally ah refreshed I'm like if I can just get away and and call down this stratagem like we can maybe turn this around and right when I'm thinking I have a chance to get away I turn I'm getting up off the ground and this robot comes up. Does it shoot me does it like use a weapon or anything like that to to to to kill me. He straight up punches me with his fists. He just goes bam like that.
Jaime G
You You're that close.
And kills me with his fist I'm like oh my I can't believe it I like but the detail like I could literally see him like with intent I'm going to smash your face in with this giant robot fist and he he just. I saw it coming in Bam Dead like
Jaime G
Dude I knew I knew this game was like something special the first night that I was playing um me and I'm I'm I you know if I'm in your squad. You're probably gonna hate me because I'm the guy who runs off Target I'm looking at the map looking for like. Ah, samples and stuff to to grab whereas you know the people that I was playing that one evening they' were like very focused like let's go do the objective and let's ah you know exit and you know move on so I'm like off doing something else and finally somebody catches up to me and they're like. Dude, we need to go and do this right? Let's all. Let's regroup and whatever so there's like ah a bug hole and they start coming out so it's just him and me and somehow we're trying to close this and you know you have to throw a grenade in there. So. He's telling me and we're talking. He's like I've got 1 grenade left. He's like cover me so I'm you know doing whatever I can he goes why throws a grenade right? As as he's throwing this grenade. There's a bug coming out the grenade.
Jaime G
Balances off the the bug and we can't close it.
Um, ah oh I I have a similar story so this is even funnier like this probably the second day I was playing this game and one of the first stratagems you you get. For free. Basically when you start as a cadet is the precision strike which is just a big bomb that you know comes down and kills you know whatever it's a big explosion. Ah so I can't know where we're at, but we're we're fighting chargers which are like the big rhhinoceros.
Jaime G
Ya psh.
Type of armored bugs that just they just try and run you over and um, there's one that's he's just rampaging around. We're all trying to kill it. Whatever I'm like oh I'm a caught on this precision strike so I throw it right? I'm like oh hopefully I can get it close to him. What it lands right on him right? and it sticks I'm like sweet you should not throw I'm like you see not throw I know that sucker in the the person in the stratagem is sitting right on his head right? So I'm like yeah and he turns and he charges right at us.
Jaime G
Oh no way.
And right when he gets to us the precision strike hits it kills us. Ah, it went from Hek Yeah I'm the hero to oh oh ki.
Jaime G
Oh you, you caused this and you know you know the the other part that's just like great is friendly fire in this game. It's because like the first couple of days that you're playing this. It doesn't sink in and so. Here I am right? and you know I can tell one of my buddies is shooting at something but I need to get across I need to I mean I literally need to cross the the path of fire to get to something I'm like yeah sure Lego and you're like dude do do do dead.
I did that to one of my work buddies. It was like his first day on the game and we were extracting. There's 3 of us that work together and we were extracting and you know and we were there were tons of bugs around us and I'm laying down fire. Had a shotgun and ah the first guy gets on the on the ship and in the and then the other guy like oh I'm right behind you and I'm sitting here shooting at a bug but I'm shooting like from the right side of the ship past the entry door.
I'm turning and I'm looking at a bug and I I see the bug and I shoot and right when I shoot he steps right on the on the gang plank of the ah the of the ah not gang plank but the drop Door. He's stepping around on the drop door right in line of Fire. And I blow his head off with the shot and because the other guy had already gotten on his ship that the counter for the evac had already started So you know, even though we threw so through the strategyt out it. He didn't get back in time for the the Evac Ship. You We left them? Ah, Ah, yeah, so.
Jaime G
You Oh man ah him he must have been happy with you that day.
Ah, yeah, he's like oh I think that was the very first time I've I had actually killed anybody in a friendly fire incident in the game was that and I usually have pretty good luck I don't think I've killed more than a handful of people that were on my team and it's usually because my ah.
1 of my sentry guns or my century mortar mortar sent is ah is doing it because like as I've discovered with certain weapons are more dangerous than the others. The mortar sentry is a great weapon but do not use it. If you don't have firm control of your perimeter because when one of those suckers get gets in ah amongst you oh that mortar's taking it out but it's also taken out 80 around which is you so yeah, I've I've had to kind of a.
Jaime G
Yeah, yeah, it's taken you out? Yeah no knows.
Like watch my deployment of that because that thing is dangerous.
Jaime G
So so look I think I think both of us are sharing our good experiences with the game. it's it's it's fun it's got it's it's addictive. You know you can play for 20 minutes have a blast I mean. Right now we were just talking about this and I'm looking up the stat currently currently in the last twenty four hours it's peaked at on steam only at 458000 players that's not counting placed on on playstation. But let's talk about maybe like the other side of this. What. Then? The not so good stuff. Ah each and every one of us have if you've played this game in the last since it launched you've had some experience of not being able to connect because the servers are capacity on ours on our serverber a lot of people are are putting pictures saying.
Jaime G
Hey, look I'm getting this servers at Max capacity. Come back later. They're stories of people who are just never logging out so that they don't disconnect from the servers. There's there's There's a lot of this right? I Actually one day was like so happy that after waiting for like maybe 10 Maybe 15 minutes I finally connected and I connected to play with somebody not somebody that I knew but somebody who was a friend on my friend list and I'm yeah I'm thinking. Yeah I've been a squat and then I get kicked out of the squat.
Well, that was one of the aspects. Ah when they started having the server capacity issues was the friends list not populating right? and so you not only did you not have quick match. Ah there is a quick match option where they would put you with randoms.
Jaime G
Yeah, you.
Jaime G
It was right? It wasn't working.
But it wasn't working and it wasn't working so there was no no way to just randomly join a group. Um, your friends list wasn't populating a lot of days so you couldn't even see which one of your friends were On. Ah. The only way you could see him was if you would go to the dashboard on your console and you could see them there right right? and then um, like a lot of the missions when you go in to select a mission. You can.
Jaime G
And that's what I did. Yep.
Ah, you should be able to join a mission in progress right? and it shows you how many people are in that mission. So you know max of 4 people in the squad. A lot of missions. Are you know, have 1 or 2 people like okay I'm going to join that mission and add extra person right.
Would not allow ah would not allow you to join those missions so there was like literally no way to like group up with the game meant to co-op with other people like 1 of the biggest issues was you could not co-op with anybody.
Jaime G
You couldn't write and this game by the way is so much fun and random and just all over when you're playing with people I mean it's meant to be played with people.
Right? right? Yeah, it's mid. You're going to get the max excitement Fun Enjoy! Enjoy it the most with people that are fun to play with are not toxic people. But um.
Jaime G
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean there's a aspect to it where you can run a lot of people I know a lot of people will want to try and run solo for the challenge and stuff like that. But um, it's 2 different types of fun right? That's a challenge fun. Oh I'm gonna do it because it's hard right? I used to do that destiny like run the ah. Strikes on the hardest difficulty by myself because I wanted to say I could do it by myself. You could do that here. But it's a it's totally different. Fun. Um.
Jaime G
You right? right.
Jaime G
It's it's it's a dick but it's different right? because Destiny was like serious again. This game's serious, but there's like so much wacky and random elements into it that it's I'd rather play with people than by myself.
Right? Which's kind of you know what's funny is like when this when they ah right before launch they were doing a lot of previews. Um were you know select review places and. Influencers had a chance to sit down and play like two or 3 hours of the game and ah, most of them say oh there's a good foundation here. It was fun. Um I think most of them were playing it solo like they really weren't playing it in groups and 2 ah almost all of them said well I don't.
Jaime G
And right that's that's correct.
I question how much content there would be like you just might be fun for two or three hours so it came out to you know the last day or so like the average the average play time for people in the game is seventeen and a half hours that's a huge
Jaime G
Yeah, yeah.
Huge number seventeen and a half hours and and because there's so much so much even though the the game loop is pretty simple like you drop into a mission you go complete a mission you hit side quest and do a pretty simple.
Jaime G
I yeah I mean it's it's pretty simplistic and that's what what people were complaining about that for our Sony game. There's like a not not a lot of like depth to it but it's but but man is it is it fun and and and you know. Have you seen the love that this has gotten on Metacritic. It hasn't it hasn't gotten a locked I mean for a game that's probably being played as much as it is. It's being you know the Metacritic Score is lower than prince of Persia.
Oh yeah.
Right? Well because of the server issues if you go and look in the um steam reviews All the negative reviews are the same like can't play. Can't play. Can't play a bought a game can't play now in.
Jaime G
That's yeah and that's and that's the the downside to this.
And then the other half is the other half is this has a cheap anti-cheat that digs in you can stuff that console players don't care about right? But apparently computer people play the use computers. Apparently it's a big thing that's worth coming on in a games review. So It's like even though ah even with those negative that the the positivity of the of the score in both steam and probably Medicare too is probably going to go up because there's so many people that are coming on and playing it.
Jaime G
I Hope so because I have held hours too on my draft.
I noticed that I went when I was looking through the draft info I'm like oh I forgot how he picked up pel div too I don't know if he can get up the to that 90 range where a lot of the games that we've picked as sitting.
Jaime G
And yeah I again um as fun as this game is though it is not an it. It is not an eighty two I mean it was trying to get more of this game.
Oh there's gonna be so this gonna be a ton more coming as far as content I mean it's a live service game. They have a they have a lot of stuff coming.
Jaime G
Well and and you've been really great at sharing all the wackiness that the community is is posting like on its own Discord like you know the updates kind of where we are in the warfront. It's it's actually it has this really great community around it and it's it's like this game that doesn't take itself seriously and it knows it but it still tries.
Right? But that's the fun part about it. The do. What's so funny about it is. It's a code. It's ah it's almost a phenomenon right? um because it's like on the surface when you look at the game. It's like.
Jaime G
So I'd agree. Yeah.
Yeah, it's not a lot to the game I mean it's no world of Warcraft. It's no destiny as far as content on when it first release. But ah but I will say this though the planet diversity the biome diversity is incredible. Like I mean we played on a fire planet the other day that had fire tornadoes right? and then just every every planet is different with their biomes and it's the weather in the day night cycle.
Jaime G
And and and like if you just yeah, right? And if you just walk around. You're gonna get like into sandstorms or different things that it the environment is alive. Oh yeah.
Yeah, and it actually affects you too like the heat I like I've kept I was running I'm like why do I Keep Why am I running out a Stamina so quickly then I looked at in the menu and it had the thing where it says Envi impact was the heat was so hot. It actually says. High heat levels equals your weapons are going to overheat quicker and two your stem number will run out quicker so there's all these variables too that they're adding and then like I said they're they're coming with a whole lot more too so they have a very strong base to work with.
Jaime G
Yes, yes.
But ah I thought of that just the free marketing and promotion and the stuff that this game is getting from people people that even haven't even played the game that aren't even playing the game are getting in on the act like.
Jaime G
I Think that.
Jaime G
So word of mouth is amazing. Yeah.
On tiktoks and Twitter and whatever people are like posting stuff off of videos that they're getting off people that are playing the game and then there's like people that are running like galactic news stations where they're given the updates from the war you know? and ah if you don't know.
Like there's a when you're playing the game you contribute to a war effort the galactic war effort and there's like 2 fronts being fought like there's a planet ah that got the nickname space Vietnam or whatever I think is space Vietnam that's a malivon creek.
Jaime G
Yeah, yeah, you're liberating? Yeah yeah.
That's one of the planets in the ah autum. Ah automaton sector and like there's this whole um like story that's come out of that like you know the people that are playing on that planet like. Oh why? there's 200000 people fighting the bugs. There's only 1000 of us. We're like the spartans you know holding off the robots on this but and then what's crazy is they that they are holding them off like it will go down to like 1% liberated.
Jaime G
That Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, the the the numbers move right? based on how many people are playing and do it. Yeah.
Like on the verge of being lost and then turn around. Yeah the the numbers move and they literally are fighting tooth and nail to not lose that planet and like they've got slogans coming out of that like you know I'm a malivan Creek Vet. You know. You know, kill them all spill oil like there's all these sayings come out that it's like you know they're creating their own memes basically out of of that. Just one little planet in the in the in the in the war.
Jaime G
So this game I don't know I mean I don't know if people are gonna realize how big it it was goingnna be right? but this game is doing what I think the suicide squad tried to do. And failed miserably at I mean you know how many people how many people have been playing the suicide squad in the last twenty four hours I gave you this the number for hell divers too which was 450000.
Jaime G
Suicide squad just take take take a guess how many people have played on steam in the last 24 hours
Jaime G
You're pretty close I mean really that game that game is is going to fade. It's it if you see it on sale somewhere I'm sorry.
Jaime G
Unless they do something where it doesn't need to be connected and being done all these things like we're just talking about for hell divers stay away from it. But.
Yeah, right? Yeah I mean there because there's the suicide squad it it it I haven't played it got bashed by reviewers. Ah.
Jaime G
I'm scared to pay full price for this game.
There's no yeah I don't want. Yeah exactly I'm I paying $70 for a gamling I'm sure is going to be any good 3 there's no way else playing. It's a 4 It's a player was a four player co-op too. Nobody else is playing it like yeah.
Jaime G
You yes right? So who you're going to play with I mean and and and and that's where they they they put all their eggs on like hey we're gonna have this great community around this and it just didn't happen.
Let's go play.
Right? And plus again they they I know it's called the suicide squad right? I mean it. It comes with you're playing as a antihero a badty where the object of the game is to kill the heroes right? It's like. That's hard to get behind right? It's like that's going to appeal to not the majority of people right? ah versus hell divers too look look at this I'm going to show you on? Oh most people aren't can't see this as the audio podcast. Ah, saw this today on the bus ride from work to the parking lot and ah ignore the fact that this person misspelled democracy but they they made a war poster right? and posted it on Twitter and they misspelled with democracy democracy.
Jaime G
Okay, okay.
The does not come for free enlisting is and list today right? like people are making this sort of stuff and in splashing it all with their social media. 1 of our guys that yeah, you've been playing tech with ah poncho jones. Ah yeah.
Jaime G
Pacho. Yeah.
He posted his in his Discord ah not in our discord would he say um I've decided to take the ah to to buy the game. He just you know had to as soon as he was finished cleaning his house. Whatever he's going to jump on. And I texted him I mean I I commented on his post I'm like oh yeah, great another ah another volunteer for the war effort and then he comes back with you know doing I'm doing my part which is right right? and he hasn't played the game but he he's tied into the.
Jaime G
I right? It's but um.
See This is what I'm talking about people that have not played the game are already like injecting propaganda of the game into their veins before they've even started the game like I'm doing my part which is some straight out of the starship troopers movie which has been.
Jaime G
That right right? I mean that we all know that the source material for this is Star Shift troopers. Ah.
Adopted into the game.
Writes the best 1 of the best can't be sci-fi movies ever.
Jaime G
Did you know that it was directed by the same guy who did the original robocop. Oh yeah, and and this is.
Now I I saw a thing today where the so the people were calling a guy a communist that he he was a communist and ah he was trying to make a.
Ah, make a statement about fascism in the movie. So with the over thet top militism which is what hell divers is hell divs is over the top military ah calling itself democracy.
Jaime G
And right right.
Manage Democracy right.
Jaime G
Man man is ever yeah sweet liberty man. Ah you know I'm happy that there's gonna be another player. Um for hell divers. Although I'm kind of sad because poncho is the 1 the 1 person that i've. I've had a good time playing taking against and he's a really good good person to play with. He's just fun. Random. Ah for some reason he thinks that that I'm a lot better than I really am um I don't know. I still want to see him playing some tech him and and some other people there's ah, there's some tech conversation still a going. Um, oh yeah, you know I'm 2 trophies away.
Oh yeah, tech and to in his own over there in the discord but actually more than its own I think there's actually more conversation that happens in the tech and thread than it does in the ah hell this is the thing I've discovered like. You know we have a lot of hell divers in the thread but they're all playing Hell divers They they're not Discord like they're just inviting each other directly from the friends list within the in the game and in the but you guys on on the tech inside of the house.
Jaime G
So if you're taking if you're a big taken fan and you want to play taken. They had taken on our Discord server is definitely a thriving community. But.
Jaime G
It it is man and you know there there's some really good players and one day we we recently had like another this wasn't like a Friday night fight but it was more like a Saturday afternoon hey who's playing kind of scenario.
Jaime G
And you know several of us got together. It. It was just Fun. You know free for Allll Play Play play and then we got 3 all of us got a couple of matches in we got it out of our system and you know move on. But I mean I'm going to tell you there's some really good players and um. Tell me the story about that you made Poncho jump ship from the sgl side to the good to game radio side.
I Mean there's no story there I mean I was just no because I saw him in the I saw him at work and I was like hey man are you gonna be fighting in the ah.
Jaime G
Because because he he said he was gonna be representing good to game radio at the next rumble on the Tarmac and I was like wait wait. What? okay.
Brumble on the tarmac tech tournament. He's like yeah yeah I think ah I'm um'm um, ah um, um, I'm gonna get in on that and I like who are you gonna rep. Are you Goingnna are you Goingnna Rep good the game are you gonna rep the SG and he's like ah um i' wantnna I'm gonna rep good the game so you know.
Jaime G
I Um well okay now understand because after that one day that we played and I kind of I came out on top. He was like you know what? I'm jumping ship umm'm going back to the sgl side. Not.
Yeah, right? you go back this year yeah
Jaime G
But I was going to tell you I'm 2 trophies away from platinum this game. That's that's yo yeah and I and I know what I got to do I just kind of put in the time. Um, hey on the other side. You know we've talked about hail divers. We talked about the.
What taken.
Jaime G
The rise and follow the suicide squad. Um the next big release that's about to drop is final fantasy 7 rebirth are you tony gonna join in or you gonna sit this one out.
I Don't know I'm like because I haven't played the other one like this is part two and I haven't played part one yet and like I Ah oh I have it actually I also have the what the inter grade.
Jaime G
Do you realize it was a Ps plus game. You probably you have it? probably so.
Ah, one two im like I have them I definitely have those. It's just a man. It's it's one of those games. It's like man I need to set on a large chunk of time to play and I just haven't gotten to that point yet. Um.
Jaime G
It Well, it's good. It's because I'm surprised that here we are talking about a fighting game a shooter and now an Rpg and everything here is fighting for our time.
Right? It is is is definitely um so many games to play now I was telling you about ah how I was like oh so I'm sitting there watching you know people talk about he divers and stuff and I'm like. And I was thinking like man a month ago people had no idea what this game was right and I'm thinking back to that Sony showcase back in early Twenty Twenty three um where yeah it was the spotter man gameplay reveal right.
Jaime G
Oh yeah.
Jaime G
Remember the big announcement of that showcase. It wasn't a hell divers. It was a Spiderman game play those? yep.
7 minutes 7 minutes of spidterman 2 tacked on at the end of the showcase. Um, and there was a there was a whole lot of excitement for anything outside of that spidterman portion like um, ah yeah.
Jaime G
Right? and.
Jaime G
I No I mean Hill Divers was was so I was surprised to even see it at that showcase it and and it's not over the top now What in the world.
Right? I was surprised I'm like what there's a hell driver's okay, of yeah, it's like how serious is this going to be because it's you know I'm thinking it's a silly game like it's got to keep its silliness. Um which they did but um.
Went back in I was watching that that Sony showcase and it was it was a hell divers in that showcase. It's I know you don't like this one bordersade 3 in that show to case. Um, yeah, but ah.
Jaime G
Game I thought Dragons Dogma which is coming up. Ah I don't think it had stellar blade in it or it was called something else at the time I don't think that would abandon appearance in it but was it Phantom Blade There was a Phantom Blade that game looks fantastic and.
Jaime G
It was. It had a different name and it was just like a really short tease. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That has not released yet and I'm thinking man this showcase killed it I mean there's nothing but just game after game after game that was like.
Jaime G
But isn't it interesting in hindsight because when we saw this we were all like all right baldergers bow there's gate three I was still. You know, excited about the game at that time Spiderman for sure and then some a bunch of the other random games now I'm like dude they were like. You know Ford telling a bunch of good stuff that was gonna be out.
Yeah, so so like man some of these games aren't out yet right now. So it's like with as much good that came out of the showcase and like some of these games look pretty good. Ah so we could see even more just great games that made their appearance at that.
Jaime G
It's kind of like going back in I know you I don't know how much of an Nfl fan you are but it's like watching ah an Nfl draft and you see the players get taken by the teams and it's like oh you know those guys are just okay, right? And then you yeah, you go back and you look oh you know it's the draft that they had. ah Dan Marino ah John Elway and like 2 or 3 other hall fame quarterbacks all got picked in the same draft. It's like what but you didn't know it till like 10 years down the road like.
When it first happened like ah these are a bunch of just average dudesre they're they're gonna be out of the league in a year or 2 and then next thing you know ten years later they're all being inducted to the ha fame like that was that's that 2023 Sony showcase that everybody was like yeah yeah.
Jaime G
Yeah I remember I was one of them. Yeah I'm I was like other than these 2 games man. Okay, and then I was so wrong about Balder's k three
Nothing there.
Ah, did appeal to you but it appealed to a lot of other people.
Jaime G
And and you you're right? You are right? Okay I give you that yeah and then that game was like all over the place after like it released.
Ah, oh aller way. Yeah Allen Wake two was in that showcase I was mied.
Won a lot of awards I don't know if it's any good but they have won a lot of awards.
Jaime G
I don't I don't think it is do you personally know somebody who's played that game mean either.
No them not going with a physical version of the game really turned people off I think people that are going to buy the game for sure if it was in physical form were like I pass and that was I'm a one of them if you don't I'm like.
Jaime G
Yeah, right, right? right? right? right? Um I am still so I'm trying to preorder final fantasy 7 and you know amongst the different versions that you can buy.
There's no physical edition of my pay on I'm my buying again and I think you're having an issue right now with the your final fantasy right.
Jaime G
1 of them is the deluxe edition and but the deluxe edition just you know amongst it has a steel case artwork guide I think it might even have a soundtrack or something it is sold out everywhere at all the major retailers at any any place that's selling it. It's gone and. And as a collector of these things I mean I'm going to buy this game physical I mean no question but I was like well you know, let's just spurge a little bit extra get the steel case and all these other things I can't bite so the question becomes now I think dance is no but. Will they ever re-release or like put more in stock. So that people can buy this and I think the answer should be no because you're trying to make it so that only a few people have this and elevate the rareness.
Jaime G
Of these items versus saying oh yeah, yeah, don't worry if you didn't get it on Preorder you'll you're still gonna get a chance to get this.
Right? Yeah you you said it's a steel book too right.
Jaime G
Yes, it is so it. But but again I I you because you you were always telling you about this you said Well'll just get the the digital version like no because then there's no steelbook. Ah.
Ah, well I think you're answering your own question then or you keep by both if you want to go but you might as well just pay if you're gonna pay the extra money to buy both you just smile. This would go all in on the physical.
Jaime G
Jaime G
Yeah, so it's got. It's got an artbook a mini soundtrack and a steelbook if you actually get the deluxe edition. Yeah so I'm excited about this game I really am it comes out this week the twenty ninth
No now.
Is it this week really I don't know I don't know if I can I like I want to buy it because the reviews for it are just through the roof. Good.
Jaime G
Yes, sir.
Like and I've I've seen where people say you don't even really have to play the first game to kind of catch on what's going on but I don't know maybe I'll wait for you to tell me what's going on is.
Jaime G
I okay can I tell can I I I'm gonna share a number Amazon reports that over 20000 copies have been preordered for this game on Amazon alone. That tells you something that's like 20000 more than the suicide squave got.
Yeah, well I will say this I will not buy the game in digital form I will only buy it in physical form. So if there's no way for me to get a physical form of the game I will not buy it. That's definitive answer for me.
Jaime G
Well, the there's gonna be a physical addition for sure. Um, that to me the question is will they put this back in stock because I really would like it and I'm a I'm a huge fan of fantasy 7 fan you should play it Tony.
Ah, will not buy it without a physical edition.
Right? Let's see you like I've got like a gift card to best buy for hundred bucks right so do I want what do I want to buy with it. Do I buy.
Jaime G
Final fancy I was thinking about buying tech with it. But then I saw oh wait. Maybe I can brought by ah was it the last Ronan that's coming up in March and another game dragons dogma they're both drop on the same day. Late march I'm like I could throw in a $20 cash and then cover the cost of both games so many games. Ah so.
Jaime G
Jaime G
Hey hey, here's something man. Um, not today not today. But in the near future I want to do a quick one of our quick 20 minutes episodes about this guy. Do you see this? Do you see this.
Over the portal. Ah.
Jaime G
The ps portal I'm holding it in my hand. This thing was nearly impossible to get I had such a hard time trying to get my hands on 1 like literally about 5 or 6 times had it in my cart went to check out and the bots got me right.
Jaime G
I mean I even consider getting this like used off of you know Facebook marketplace or something I got it and I have some interest in some interesting thoughts for anybody who's in the market and considering about getting one of these um I think we we we need to talk about this. It's a.
Um, yeah.
Jaime G
It's a a short 20 minute conversation but the other thing I was just reminded about the Ps Portal is our old psvita so you know that I'm playing the last of us remake I had such a chuckle. When you're playing this game and you get to the hospital and you get a jump on this 1 person who's distracted because she's playing on a psb to.
Yeah, did you feel bad. Ah.
Jaime G
All right I don't want to like reopen a conversation in a game. That's what is it like 4 years old now which again four years old doesn't feel like it needs a remake but the game creates it.
Jaime G
You think about these characters because some of these characters that you encounter and face have names and when you maybe stealthily take out somebody somebody else is walking around and then they're like Jane. Where are you and and you're I mean and before that moment this this character this npc this was just somebody. You had to take out to get you know from point a to point b and then all of a sudden I've had like remorse I've been like I got Jane.
Jaime G
Actually at one point I felt so bad because one there's 1 at once 1 plot part where there's somebody who had a dog with them and the dog got got got a whiff of me and they're going to you know, expose me so I took out the dog and then the person found the dog they're like.
All right.
Jaime G
Snowball what.
Jaime G
Um I was like oh I kills Noble so everybody has a name. It's weird it it. It creates this this remorse for like.
Jaime G
Doing what you have to do in a video game. It's kind of odd to explain it I don't know man. Yeah.
Right? Oh that's the intent of the game. Ah they built a whole game around that what you're describing.
Jaime G
Yeah, yes.
Right? It's just like you know and held Iris what if the bugs had names. Ah.
Jaime G
hey hey hey Anton Antonio Banderas names like remember the old Atman movie the second one where he kept on coming up for.
Ah, right.
Jaime G
Weird names for his aunts and they kept on be being eaten by Birds Antoine so yeah yeah, ah I think for the most part that that bounds up all the things that we that we had. It's been. It's been a week.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, all right.
Jaime G
Um, you know I think we should do a quick like I said we should talk about the ps portal. We definitely should talk about your persona 3 ah rerun. Um I don't know there's ah, there's a lot of cool stuff happening man and. Let's let's see where where we can take these conversations but um I will also drop a link to the to the Discord join us. It's there's a lot of good conversations. There's just silly or if you're just random me looking for somebody to to squat up with there's there's a there's always somebody posting hey I'm um im around who's who's playing.
Right? Yep and that's probably where I'm gonna be headed when we get off this? ah this call that all right? So thanks. So thanks for joining us if you haven't picked up Hello Hourss too pick it up.
Jaime G
Me too actually.
Join the war effort get in there fight for democracy democracy spread Liberty and freedom all right? Well we'll catch you guys later eight.
Jaime G
Fight for democracy.
Jaime G
Um, yeah I.